USA Network Scooter Squads Marketing Boston New York California and Chicago
Market: Massachusetts, New York, Illinois, California
Develop, coordinate and execute experiential marketing campaign utilizing branded scooters towing illuminated billboards and branded ice cream karts to promote USA Network television series.
Develop, coordinate and execute experiential marketing campaign utilizing branded scooters towing illuminated billboards and branded ice cream karts to promote USA Network television series.
Multiple teams were utilized throughout each market and consisted of team members as brand ambassadors utilizing branded scooters and branded ice cream karts.
Multiple teams were utilized throughout each market and consisted of team members as brand ambassadors utilizing branded scooters and branded ice cream karts.
Generated 1,000,000+ impressions from consumer traffic. Distributed thousands of promotional materials on USA Network television series and 100,000 ice cream cones.
Generated 1,000,000+ impressions from consumer traffic. Distributed thousands of promotional materials on USA Network television series and 100,000 ice cream cones.
“From the very beginning, ICE Factor’s team was strategic and organized for this multi-market activation. Their attention to detail , communication and response assured us that we were working with the right marketing company to represent our client.” – Agency Account Manager, USA Network
Contact ICE Factor today for any and all of your marketing needs at: (847) 844-0814 or E-mail us at contact@icefactor.com